
remote_write 主要用于可写远程存储配置,主要包含以下参数:

  • url: 访问地址

  • remote_timeout: 请求超时时间

  • write_relabel_configs: 标签重置配置, 拉取到的数据,经过重置处理后,发送给远程存储


// RemoteWriteConfig is the configuration for writing to remote storage.
type RemoteWriteConfig struct {
    URL                 *URL             `yaml:"url,omitempty"`
    RemoteTimeout       model.Duration   `yaml:"remote_timeout,omitempty"`
    WriteRelabelConfigs []*RelabelConfig `yaml:"write_relabel_configs,omitempty"`

    // We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
    // values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
    HTTPClientConfig HTTPClientConfig `yaml:",inline"`

    // Catches all undefined fields and must be empty after parsing.
    XXX map[string]interface{} `yaml:",inline"`


# The URL of the endpoint to send samples to.
url: <string>

# Timeout for requests to the remote write endpoint.
[ remote_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s ]

# List of remote write relabel configurations.
  [ - <relabel_config> ... ]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every remote write request with the
# configured username and password.
  [ username: <string> ]
  [ password: <string> ]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every remote write request with
# the configured bearer token. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token_file`.
[ bearer_token: <string> ]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every remote write request with the bearer token
# read from the configured file. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token`.
[ bearer_token_file: /path/to/bearer/token/file ]

# Configures the remote write request's TLS settings.
  [ <tls_config> ]

# Optional proxy URL.
[ proxy_url: <string> ]

注意: remote_write 属于试验阶段,慎用,因为在以后的版本中可能发生改变。

Last updated