scrape_configs 主要用于配置拉取数据节点,每一个拉取配置主要包含以下参数:
honor_labels: 用于解决拉取数据标签有冲突,当设置为 true, 以拉取数据为准,否则以服务配置为准
scrape_interval: 拉取时间间隔
scrape_timeout: 拉取超时时间
metrics_path: 拉取节点的 metric 路径
scheme: 拉取数据访问协议
sample_limit: 存储的数据标签个数限制,如果超过限制,该数据将被忽略,不入存储;默认值为0,表示没有限制
relabel_configs: 拉取数据重置标签配置
metric_relabel_configs:metric 重置标签配置
// ScrapeConfig configures a scraping unit for Prometheus.
type ScrapeConfig struct {
// The job name to which the job label is set by default.
JobName string `yaml:"job_name"`
// Indicator whether the scraped metrics should remain unmodified.
HonorLabels bool `yaml:"honor_labels,omitempty"`
// A set of query parameters with which the target is scraped.
Params url.Values `yaml:"params,omitempty"`
// How frequently to scrape the targets of this scrape config.
ScrapeInterval model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_interval,omitempty"`
// The timeout for scraping targets of this config.
ScrapeTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_timeout,omitempty"`
// The HTTP resource path on which to fetch metrics from targets.
MetricsPath string `yaml:"metrics_path,omitempty"`
// The URL scheme with which to fetch metrics from targets.
Scheme string `yaml:"scheme,omitempty"`
// More than this many samples post metric-relabelling will cause the scrape to fail.
SampleLimit uint `yaml:"sample_limit,omitempty"`
// We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
// values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
ServiceDiscoveryConfig ServiceDiscoveryConfig `yaml:",inline"`
HTTPClientConfig HTTPClientConfig `yaml:",inline"`
// List of target relabel configurations.
RelabelConfigs []*RelabelConfig `yaml:"relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// List of metric relabel configurations.
MetricRelabelConfigs []*RelabelConfig `yaml:"metric_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// Catches all undefined fields and must be empty after parsing.
XXX map[string]interface{} `yaml:",inline"`
以上配置定义中还包含 ServiceDiscoveryConfig,它的代码定义为:
// ServiceDiscoveryConfig configures lists of different service discovery mechanisms.
type ServiceDiscoveryConfig struct {
// List of labeled target groups for this job.
StaticConfigs []*TargetGroup `yaml:"static_configs,omitempty"`
// List of DNS service discovery configurations.
DNSSDConfigs []*DNSSDConfig `yaml:"dns_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of file service discovery configurations.
FileSDConfigs []*FileSDConfig `yaml:"file_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of Consul service discovery configurations.
ConsulSDConfigs []*ConsulSDConfig `yaml:"consul_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of Serverset service discovery configurations.
ServersetSDConfigs []*ServersetSDConfig `yaml:"serverset_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// NerveSDConfigs is a list of Nerve service discovery configurations.
NerveSDConfigs []*NerveSDConfig `yaml:"nerve_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// MarathonSDConfigs is a list of Marathon service discovery configurations.
MarathonSDConfigs []*MarathonSDConfig `yaml:"marathon_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of Kubernetes service discovery configurations.
KubernetesSDConfigs []*KubernetesSDConfig `yaml:"kubernetes_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of GCE service discovery configurations.
GCESDConfigs []*GCESDConfig `yaml:"gce_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of EC2 service discovery configurations.
EC2SDConfigs []*EC2SDConfig `yaml:"ec2_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of OpenStack service discovery configurations.
OpenstackSDConfigs []*OpenstackSDConfig `yaml:"openstack_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of Azure service discovery configurations.
AzureSDConfigs []*AzureSDConfig `yaml:"azure_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// List of Triton service discovery configurations.
TritonSDConfigs []*TritonSDConfig `yaml:"triton_sd_configs,omitempty"`
// Catches all undefined fields and must be empty after parsing.
XXX map[string]interface{} `yaml:",inline"`
ServiceDiscoveryConfig 主要用于 target 发现,大体分为两类,静态配置和动态发现。
所以,一份完整的 scrape_configs 配置大致为:
# The job name assigned to scraped metrics by default.
job_name: <job_name>
# How frequently to scrape targets from this job.
[ scrape_interval: <duration> | default = <global_config.scrape_interval> ]
# Per-scrape timeout when scraping this job.
[ scrape_timeout: <duration> | default = <global_config.scrape_timeout> ]
# The HTTP resource path on which to fetch metrics from targets.
[ metrics_path: <path> | default = /metrics ]
# honor_labels controls how Prometheus handles conflicts between labels that are
# already present in scraped data and labels that Prometheus would attach
# server-side ("job" and "instance" labels, manually configured target
# labels, and labels generated by service discovery implementations).
# If honor_labels is set to "true", label conflicts are resolved by keeping label
# values from the scraped data and ignoring the conflicting server-side labels.
# If honor_labels is set to "false", label conflicts are resolved by renaming
# conflicting labels in the scraped data to "exported_<original-label>" (for
# example "exported_instance", "exported_job") and then attaching server-side
# labels. This is useful for use cases such as federation, where all labels
# specified in the target should be preserved.
# Note that any globally configured "external_labels" are unaffected by this
# setting. In communication with external systems, they are always applied only
# when a time series does not have a given label yet and are ignored otherwise.
[ honor_labels: <boolean> | default = false ]
# Configures the protocol scheme used for requests.
[ scheme: <scheme> | default = http ]
# Optional HTTP URL parameters.
[ <string>: [<string>, ...] ]
# Sets the `Authorization` header on every scrape request with the
# configured username and password.
[ username: <string> ]
[ password: <string> ]
# Sets the `Authorization` header on every scrape request with
# the configured bearer token. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token_file`.
[ bearer_token: <string> ]
# Sets the `Authorization` header on every scrape request with the bearer token
# read from the configured file. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token`.
[ bearer_token_file: /path/to/bearer/token/file ]
# Configures the scrape request's TLS settings.
[ <tls_config> ]
# Optional proxy URL.
[ proxy_url: <string> ]
# List of Azure service discovery configurations.
[ - <azure_sd_config> ... ]
# List of Consul service discovery configurations.
[ - <consul_sd_config> ... ]
# List of DNS service discovery configurations.
[ - <dns_sd_config> ... ]
# List of EC2 service discovery configurations.
[ - <ec2_sd_config> ... ]
# List of OpenStack service discovery configurations.
[ - <openstack_sd_config> ... ]
# List of file service discovery configurations.
[ - <file_sd_config> ... ]
# List of GCE service discovery configurations.
[ - <gce_sd_config> ... ]
# List of Kubernetes service discovery configurations.
[ - <kubernetes_sd_config> ... ]
# List of Marathon service discovery configurations.
[ - <marathon_sd_config> ... ]
# List of AirBnB's Nerve service discovery configurations.
[ - <nerve_sd_config> ... ]
# List of Zookeeper Serverset service discovery configurations.
[ - <serverset_sd_config> ... ]
# List of Triton service discovery configurations.
[ - <triton_sd_config> ... ]
# List of labeled statically configured targets for this job.
[ - <static_config> ... ]
# List of target relabel configurations.
[ - <relabel_config> ... ]
# List of metric relabel configurations.
[ - <relabel_config> ... ]
# Per-scrape limit on number of scraped samples that will be accepted.
# If more than this number of samples are present after metric relabelling
# the entire scrape will be treated as failed. 0 means no limit.
[ sample_limit: <int> | default = 0 ]
Last updated
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